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St Andrew's Suckers Inc
We Suck
YOU suck

pipette fillers
toilet flushes
black holes
mugging (except nat :/)
eating B&Js
riding in lamozines
using wheelchairs and crutches


April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
December 2007




Monday, December 10, 2007

IM SO BORED BORED BOARD! was looking at some old pics, and decided to do these. i think i still miss pae days :/

HAHAHHA okay, before & after pictures! on the left row are pics taken during pae/earlier this year. on the right are the more recent pictures :D some are quite funnyyy.

omg i cant believe im updating our blog. i swore i wouldn't until someone else did, but since no one did for like 934728742874 years, i don't really care anymre! LOL alright, happy holidays everyone (: TAG THE DEAD TAG BORED! k bye!

11:05 PM

Sunday, July 1, 2007

HEYYYOZ im not supposed to be blogging! : O anyways, this is just a short post to say HUGE THANKS to you guys for coming over (: it was so nice of you all to stop by since im grounded! <3 (serene where were you?) anyways sorry again for the mess / the lack of space in my room. we'll work out a way to cram ourselves in during the sleepover okay? i mean, if you guys still want one. : / oh, and just so you people know, the only available weekend is 20-22 july. : O hope you people are free or smth.

some pics! mugging session in SA (: old times!
WHOOHOO S22 re-enactment.! so many missing people though : /huiqi and i DREW MONEY ((((: haha so fun, at AMK hub. thanks sister serene for being tour guide for the night : P

OUR YOUTH DAY PRESENTS! (: clockwise from top: CHOKU (glen's), HOTTY (zj's), CHOKI (mine), CHOKO (hq's) and HOLEY (lphin's) ;DD


NAAAAT (haha, decode it)

3:43 AM

Monday, June 25, 2007

I JUST CHANGED THE BLOGSKIN HAHA.! sorry, i was totally bored and had nothing to do. dont wanna mug right now, im so lazy : / can't seem to get myself off the comp. ahhh i suck D:

so how were your papers tday? we had GP. i wrote about family as a dying institution. haha! and guess what? i remembered the stuff that our ex gp teacher said : OOO and wrote quite a lot. idk why i had so much t say.

a few more days til sweet freedom, i can't wait! (: lets go out, shall we? movie marathon or something, right? then some time after that we can a sleepover at someone's place. mine or glen's or whoevers! idk. who k? ;D make decisions people! HAHA.

i cant wait til exams are over!!!!! but in the meantime, gotta mlm! SEE YOU ALL SOON!


4:45 AM

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

YOZ PEOPLE! GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD MORNING! ;D it's almost 5 AM there! haha. hope you all are feeling good (: anyway, i couldn't come online in time to talk with you guys on msn! D: SAD. we were having dinner out and the train we had to take back only left the station at 9:25 pm.

sorry and thanks too if you guys stayed up for me or smth.! maybe you guys shd just sleep early at like 6 PM, then wake up at 5+ to chat with me! HAHAHAH JUST KIDDING! i wouldn't ask you guys to do that much.. and im coming back soon anyways! (: but when i get there, only 1/2 of sasi will be in singapore!!! : O from 1 to 2/3 to 1/2! AHHH D:

im coming back in approximately 73 HOURS! start the countdown! LOLZ. thinking of finding hq somewhere in the airport if the timing is right. terminal, too. :D haha! but i don't think we can see glen even if he's flying off at around the same time too. ): anyone else wanna come see hq off and fetch me? lolz jk. (: at least sasi will be 5/6 in singapore for a few minutes! HAHAH.

went for cheese fondue today and it sucked D: hahah ok, it wasn't that bad, except that the fondue had lots of alcohol in it. BLEAHHHHH. so, yeah. i totally prefer chocolate fondue more!!! :D remember haagen dazs? cooliOz! let's go there again! my treat? haha nooo jk. im broke and poor ):

sososo none of you replied to my email ): and lphin and glen didnt reply to my smses ): (serene i've yet to sms you!!) and glen you're the one who wanted me to sms you okayyy D: haha. idek if you received it..? o_O anyway its okay. i know its ex and i can't expect you all to reply. so you can't expect me to reply all the time either. haha! i don't even use my own hp since it dieddd on like the first day of my trip -__- maybe i smsed too much without thinking abt the cost.? : P thanks to those who sms me though! your smses never fail to make me smile ;DDDD (except for the "yawns.." one from zj, that one failed to make me smile. i was more like -__- hahahaha jk)

anyway i think im gonna sleep soon! miss all of you lots! i miss LIPHIN's purple font (couple font with zj hahah!) and how she always gets d/ced in the hostel! haha. i miss SERENE's blue font and "[:" smiley! and when she keeps quiet in mass conversations and pops up at random moments! lolz. i miss ZJ's pink or yellow or grey or orange font. orange = red + yellow. haha my imgination rockssss okay! and that o.O smiley he always uses instead of saying "HI" first. i miss GLEN's black font and constant "haha" in front of his smses. i miss HUIQI's red hot font and HUGE haha emoticon! ;D

so in conclusion, I MISS ALL OF YOU!!! xoxo

PS- anything im particular you guys want from here? (: tell me asap! like chocolates or cheese or souvenirs or watches or icecream or snow!? HAHAH. but reasonable stuff to get please. so scratch the watches, icecream and snow unless you want fake cheapO watches, melted icecream or water. : P lolz ok bye!


1:58 PM

Sunday, June 3, 2007

haha!yay!i promised NAAAAT i'll blog=D!
but omg its turning 3!which means it's ard 9 in SWIZZI land?

this sucks!now sasi's left with 2/3 in s'pore!come back soon lphin n NAAAAT!we miss u guys!
eh wait..wrong..lphin's back for some camp what!aiya..but she's going back aft tt!
and serene just came back from OBS right?eh very long nv hear from u le leh!!where are u girl!
omg ppl we really needa meet up!I MISS YOU GUYS!=((
erherm..anw random!haha..aiyo..rmb doing the C!H!E!E!R! UP! thing for lphin?haha=))im glad ur not emoish animore sucker!haha!come back asap k!

ohya!we hv to catch shrek tgt~!but lphin is coming back only on the 24th n we wont wana watch w/o her ba..also from 24th onwards it'll be commontest period=/..so i was suggesting tt we could go someone's hs -prolly glen's to watch it cos i would be able to get the movie..so yeah..any suggestions?!

and abt the night safari trip!i cant get tics!sry guys=(but we can still go tgt!haha..so lets discuss soon ok!n MEET UP!for whatever-not that drink!maybe we could go sentosa again!i want outings!!

love u SUCKERS loads♥♥♥♥♥!!haha my entry like a colourful=D!

11:52 AM

Monday, May 21, 2007

once again, its ME again. D: this is becoming like my second blog! o_O someone else update too please!

anyway i was bored so i did these. HAHA they're so GROSS OKAY. someone make some nicer collages please : / i have a chem test tmr, havent studied AT ALL. : O

HOLIDAYS ARE COMING SOON! huiqi and serene, rawr you! D: haha jk. we're meeting up to study okay! or else i'll fail my commontest and retain! each person teach me a subject! ZEEJAY GETS PHYSICS. who wants to teach me math, econs and chem? :D each of you can get one subj!

and then our next outing, as discussed yday, will be to the ZOO and NIGHT SAFARI :D fat chance liphin can join us though, she'll be in malaysia the entire holiday! sucker! D: or do you guys wanna go genting to meet her? HAHAHAHAH.

ok so can you guys like say when you're free during the last one or two weeks of holiday? (: YAY. sorry again that i was uber late yesterday! ): but i had fun!!! cant wait for our next birthday celebration! *AHEMMMMZZZ*

xoxo NAT

7:03 AM

Saturday, May 12, 2007

HEY ALL :D last thurs ice cream outing was greaaaat (: although i was totally sick by the time i got home D: skipped sch on friday! and my fever soared to 40.2 degrees! : O i was HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT! haha! anyway im better now, fever not so high anymore (:

ok so this is random, im posting a picture of myself. :D

HAHA, yup. that was me a good 15 (or so) years ago :D its quite an old picture, DUH. it was framed up for years, so you can see the outline of the frame. haha! anyway i wanna see your baby photos too!!! :D post them up when you guys have time okay! (:


7:17 AM