Sunday, July 1, 2007
HEYYYOZ im not supposed to be blogging! : O anyways, this is just a short post to say HUGE THANKS to you guys for coming over (: it was so nice of you all to stop by since im grounded! <3 (serene where were you?) anyways sorry again for the mess / the lack of space in my room. we'll work out a way to cram ourselves in during the sleepover okay? i mean, if you guys still want one. : / oh, and just so you people know, the only available weekend is 20-22 july. : O hope you people are free or smth.
some pics!
mugging session in SA (: old times!
WHOOHOO S22 re-enactment.! so many missing people though : /
huiqi and i DREW MONEY ((((: haha so fun, at AMK hub. thanks sister serene for being tour guide for the night : P

OUR YOUTH DAY PRESENTS! (: clockwise from top: CHOKU (glen's), HOTTY (zj's), CHOKI (mine), CHOKO (hq's) and HOLEY (lphin's) ;DD
NAAAAT (haha, decode it)
3:43 AM